Friday, June 19, 2015

Predators and prey in fishes by David L. G. Noakes

Predators and prey in fishes by David L. G. Noakes
English | Nov 11, 2011 | ISBN: 9400972989 | 230 Pages | PDF | 16 MB

The potential consequences of a predator-prey predators tend to do that increase or maximize prey interaction are probably more serious, especially capture and that prey tend to do to avoid being for the prey, than are the consequences of most captured? The second theme emphasized the eco­ competitive or parasite-host interactions. For this logical approach to predator-prey interactions. reason, the adaptations and tactics that prey show What are the environmental constraints that in­ to the foraging manoeuvers of their predators, and fluence the evolution of structures and behaviors the counteradaptations of their predators, are often involved in predation and its avoidance?

How do pronounced and even spectacular. Predation may in these factors combine to produce particular ,fssem­ fact be a critical determinant of both the behavior blages of predators and prey with common adapta­ of individuals and of the functional and taxonomic tions? The 18 papers presented at the symposium, composition of fish assemblages. This possibility and the ones published in these proceedings, re­ was a major factor leading to the organization of present the varied approaches that researchers have the Behavioral Tactics symposium. The obvious taken in addressing these questions. necessity of feeding, the wealth of information Several topics were common to many presenta­ available on food and energy budgets of animals tions: four of these in particular deserve at least both in the laboratory and field, and the approach brief mention.

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