Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Knowing If It's the Real Thing: Discovering the Roots of Intimacy by Gerald Alper

Knowing If It's the Real Thing: Discovering the Roots of Intimacy by Gerald Alper English | June 4, 2003 | ISBN: 0761829768, 0878332952 | 208 Pages | PDF | 9.3 MB In his nearly twenty-five years as a practicing psychotherapist, Gerald Alper has found that personal intimacy is the single most prized yet inherently problematic element of human interacti...

Intimate Strategies of the Civil War: Military Commanders and Their Wives by Carol K. Bleser

Intimate Strategies of the Civil War: Military Commanders and Their Wives by Carol K. Bleser English | Nov 1, 2001 | ISBN: 0195330854, 0195115090 | 328 Pages | PDF | 1.3 MB From Robert E. and Mary Lee to Ulysses S. and Julia Grant, Intimate Strategies of the Civil War examines the marriages of twelve prominent military commanders, highlighting the impact wives had on their famous husbands' caree...

Intimate Frontiers: Sex, Gender, and Culture in Old California by Albert L. Hurtado

Intimate Frontiers: Sex, Gender, and Culture in Old California by Albert L. Hurtado English | Apr 1, 1999 | ISBN: 082631953X, 0826319548 | 203 Pages | PDF | 36.8 MB This book reveals how powerful undercurrents of sex, gender, and culture helped shape the history of the American frontier from the 1760s to the 1850s. Looking at California under three flags—those of Spa...

Intimacy: An International Survey of the Sex Lives of People at Work by Andrew Kakabadse

Intimacy: An International Survey of the Sex Lives of People at Work by Andrew Kakabadse English | Mar 2, 2005 | ISBN: 1403943249 | 156 Pages | PDF | 517 kb A recently completed international workplace survey highlights that many people intermingle their private and work lives. Time spent on tasks, the intensity of team relationships and...

Intimacy and Responsibility: The Criminalisation of HIV Transmission by Matthew Weait

Intimacy and Responsibility: The Criminalisation of HIV Transmission by Matthew Weait English | Jan 31, 2007 | ISBN: 1904385702, 1904385710 | 256 Pages | PDF | 1.2 MB In what circumstances and on what basis, should those who transmit serious diseases to their sexual partners be criminalised?...

Intimacy and Power: The Dynamics of Personal Relationships in Modern Society by Derek Layder

Intimacy and Power: The Dynamics of Personal Relationships in Modern Society by Derek Layder English | Sep 15, 2009 | ISBN: 0230579566 | 198 Pages | PDF | 720 kb This book explores the nature of intimacy by revealing how the influence of individual, interpersonal and wider social factors create variations in self-disclosure, intimacy games and relationship habits....

Grenzen und Grenzüberschreitungen der Liebe von Kornelia Hahn

Grenzen und Grenzüberschreitungen der Liebe von Kornelia Hahn Deutsch | 31. Januar 2000 | ISBN: 381002564X | 280 Seiten | PDF | 6.3 MB Die Thematik dieses Bandes greift den Sachverhalt auf, daß die Konstitution des Beziehungstyps "Liebesbeziehung" ein (Interaktions-) Spiel mit normativen Grenzen und deren Überschreitung voraussetzt....

Boundaries of Touch: Parenting and Adult-Child Intimacy by Jean Halley

Boundaries of Touch: Parenting and Adult-Child Intimacy by Jean Halley English | June 25, 2007 | ISBN: 0252075811, 0252032128 | 224 Pages | PDF | 12.1 MB A history of the shifting and conflicting ideas about when, where, and how we should touch our child...

Bitter Nemesis: The Intimate History of Strychnine by John Buckingham

Bitter Nemesis: The Intimate History of Strychnine by John Buckingham English | July 16, 2007 | ISBN: 1420053159 | 330 Pages | PDF | 9.2 MB Encouraged by the medicinal success of quinine, early 19th century scientists hoped strychnine, another plant alkaloid with remarkable properties, might also become a new weapon against disease....

The New Science of Intimate Relationships by Garth Fletcher

The New Science of Intimate Relationships by Garth Fletcher English | Feb 25, 2002 | ISBN: 063122078X, 0631220771 | 329 Pages | PDF | 857 kb In this elegantly written and provocative book, Garth Fletcher, one of the world's leading relationship scientists, provides an antidote to the avalanche of pop-psychology books on intimate relationships....

The Great Mortality: An Intimate History of the Black Death, the Most Devastating Plague of All Time by John Kelly

The Great Mortality: An Intimate History of the Black Death, the Most Devastating Plague of All Time by John Kelly English | Jan 31, 2006 | ISBN: 0060006927, 0060006935 | 364 Pages | EPUB | 605 kb La moria grandissima began its terrible journey across the European and Asian continents in 1347, leaving unimaginable devastation in its wake. Five years later, twenty-five million people were dead,...

Sounds Like Home: Growing Up Black and Deaf in the South by Mary Herring Wright

Sounds Like Home: Growing Up Black and Deaf in the South by Mary Herring Wright English | Apr 15, 1999 | ISBN: 1563680807 | 264 Pages | EPUB | 866 kb Recounts the author's experiences growing up as a deaf person in Iron Mine, North Caroli...

Show Us How You Do It: Marshall Keeble and the Rise of Black Churches of Christ in the United States, 1914-1968

Show Us How You Do It: Marshall Keeble and the Rise of Black Churches of Christ in the United States, 1914-1968 by Edward J. Robinson English | May 21, 2008 | ISBN: 0817358382, 0817316124 | 256 Pages | PDF | 842 kb Marshall Keeble (1878–1968) was the premier evangelist in black Churches of Christ from 1931 until his death in 1968. Born and reared in middle Tennessee, Keeble came under the influence of Preston Taylor,...

Viet Cong at Wounded Knee: The Trail of a Blackfeet Activist by Woody Kipp

Viet Cong at Wounded Knee: The Trail of a Blackfeet Activist by Woody Kipp English | Sep 1, 2004 | ISBN: 0803216416, 0803227604 | 175 Pages | PDF | 821 kb It was at Wounded Knee, huddled under a night sky lit by military flares and the searchlights of armored carriers seeking him out, that Vietnam vet Woody Kipp realized that he, as an American Indi...

No Hill Too High for a Stepper: Memories of Montevallo, Alabama

No Hill Too High for a Stepper: Memories of Montevallo, Alabama by Mike Mahan and Norman McMillan English | 2014 | ISBN: 1603063579 | 338 pages | EPUB | 18 MB Born during the Great Depression, Mike Mahan was in many ways a very lucky boy. His parents, a barber and a beautician, owned their own shop and home, always providing ample fo...

Did Ancient Chinese Explore America? My Journey Through the Rocky Mountains to Find Answers

Did Ancient Chinese Explore America? My Journey Through the Rocky Mountains to Find Answers by Charlotte Harris Rees English | 2013 | ISBN: 1611530806 | 180 pages | EPUB | 32 MB Did Ancient Chinese Explore America? My Journey Through the Rocky Mountains to Find Answ...

Fuck: An Irreverent History of the F-Word

Fuck: An Irreverent History of the F-Word by Rufus Lodge English | 2013 | ISBN: 0007522002, 0008113343 | 200 pages | EPUB | 0,8 MB An amusing, informative, controversial and utterly irreverent history of the world's favourite wo...

Der Schattensammler. Die allerletzte Autobiografie

Carl Djerassi, "Der Schattensammler. Die allerletzte Autobiografie" German | ISBN: 3852187206 | 2013 | 544 pages | EPUB | 9 MB Die große Autobiografie der "Mutter der Pille" Carl Djera...


Hillary Rodham Clinton, "Entscheidungen" German | ISBN: 3426301024 | 2016 | 960 pages | EPUB | 9 MB Seit mehr als zwanzig Jahren steht Hillary Rodham Clinton im Rampenlicht der internationalen Politik – zunächst als First Lady im Weißen Haus, dann als Senatorin des Bundesstaates New York...

Radical Ecopsychology: Psychology in the Service of Life, 2nd edition

David Abram and Andy Fisher, "Radical Ecopsychology: Psychology in the Service of Life, 2nd edition" English | ISBN: 1438444761, 1438444753 | 2012 | 407 pages | PDF | 9 MB Expanded new edition of a classic examination of the psychological roots of our ecological cris...

Teresa von Ávila: Die Biographie

Alois Prinz, "Teresa von Ávila: Die Biographie" German | ISBN: 3458361227, 3458176187 | 2015 | 265 pages | EPUB | 9 MB »Eine große, eine einmalige und doch so menschliche und anziehende Persönlichkeit«, nannte Papst Paul VI. sie, als er ihr erst 1970 als erster Frau den Ti...

Bounce Forward: How to Transform Crisis into Success

Sam Cawthorn, "Bounce Forward: How to Transform Crisis into Success" English | ISBN: 1118641345 | 2013 | 288 pages | PDF | 8 MB An inspiring business book that shows leaders and businesspeople how to turn adversity into innovation, productivity, and profitabil...

Männermacken: Neue Krankheiten unserer wahren Helden wie Zuhörschwäche, Lümmeltum und Bierhand

Hanna Dietz, "Männermacken: Neue Krankheiten unserer wahren Helden wie Zuhörschwäche, Lümmeltum und Bierhand" German | ISBN: 3548375618 | 2014 | 208 pages | EPUB | 9 MB...

Theoretische Informatik: Formale Sprachen, Berechenbarkeit, Komplexitätstheorie, Algorithmik, Kommunikation und...

Theoretische Informatik: Formale Sprachen, Berechenbarkeit, Komplexitätstheorie, Algorithmik, Kommunikation und Kryptographie, 4. Auflage by Juraj Hromkovic German | 2011 | ISBN: 3834806501 | 415 pages | PDF | 2,8 MB...

Monday, June 29, 2015

Engineering-Dienstleistungen und Mitbestimmung: Mitbestimmungspolitische Konsequenzen des Outsourcing in der...

Engineering-Dienstleistungen und Mitbestimmung: Mitbestimmungspolitische Konsequenzen des Outsourcing in der Automobilentwicklung by Tabea Bromberg German | 2011 | ISBN: 3531178423 | 211 pages | PDF | 1 MB...

Sprache ohne Worte: Wie unser Körper Trauma verarbeitet und uns in die innere Balance zurückführt

Peter A. Levine, "Sprache ohne Worte: Wie unser Körper Trauma verarbeitet und uns in die innere Balance zurückführt" German | ISBN: 3466309182 | 2011 | 448 pages | EPUB | 1 MB Dr. Peter A. Levine, soeben für sein Lebenswerk ausgezeichnet vom amerikanischen Verband der Körpertherapeuten, ist einer der bedeutendsten Traumaforscher unserer Zeit. Seine Bücher sind internationale Bestsell...

Die Dongdong-Tänzerin und der Sichuan-Koch: Geschichten aus der chinesischen Wirklichkeit

Liao Yiwu, "Die Dongdong-Tänzerin und der Sichuan-Koch: Geschichten aus der chinesischen Wirklichkeit" German | ISBN: 3100448162, 3596196558 | 2013 | 496 pages | EPUB | 1 MB Der Friedenspreisträger Liao Yiwu hat es sich zur Lebensaufgabe gemacht, den kleinen, den unterdrückten Leuten in China eine Stimme zu geben....

Lexikon der schönen Wörter: Von anschmiegen bis zeitvergessen

Walter Krämer, Roland Kaehlbrandt, "Lexikon der schönen Wörter: Von anschmiegen bis zeitvergessen" German | ISBN: 3492273181 | 2011 | 256 pages | EPUB | 1 MB Die deutsche Sprache birgt viele funkelnde Edelstei...

Handbuch Internetseelsorge: Grundlagen - Formen - Praxis

Birgit Knatz, "Handbuch Internetseelsorge: Grundlagen - Formen - Praxis" German | ISBN: 3579074024 | 2013 | 336 pages | EPUB | 1 MB Kompetenz für die seelsorgerliche Begleitung im Inter...

Trauma, Angst und Liebe: Unterwegs zu gesunder Eigenständigkeit. Wie Aufstellungen dabei helfen

Franz Ruppert, "Trauma, Angst und Liebe: Unterwegs zu gesunder Eigenständigkeit. Wie Aufstellungen dabei helfen" German | ISBN: 3466309662 | 2012 | 352 pages | EPUB | 1 MB Die Folgen von Traumata sind vielfältig. Oft entstehen psychische Aufspaltungen, aus denen der Betroffene nicht mehr aus eigener Kraft herausfindet. Dann wird Psychotherapie notwendig, die in Richtung Traumaheilung wir...

Elon Musk: Wie Elon Musk die Welt verändert - Die Biografie

Ashlee Vance, Elon Musk, "Elon Musk: Wie Elon Musk die Welt verändert - Die Biografie" German | ISBN: 3898799069 | 2015 | 368 pages | EPUB | 2 MB Elon Musk ist der da Vinci des 21. Jahrhunderts. Seine Firmengründungen lesen sich wie das Who's who der zukunftsträchtigsten Unternehmen der We...

Beyond well-being : the fascination of risk and of the new psychological addictions

Tappatà, Laura, "Beyond well-being : the fascination of risk and of the new psychological addictions" English | ISBN: 162417969X | 2013 | 161 pages | PDF | 4 MB In this thought-provoking book, Laura Tappatà brilliantly guides the reader from a description of the existential problem of psychological addictions to a possible solution leading...

Treating Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety: A Guide for Caregivers

Eli R. Lebowitz and Haim Omer, "Treating Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety: A Guide for Caregivers" English | ISBN: 1118121015 | 2013 | 326 pages | PDF | 2 MB Every child experiences fear, but when a child experiences fear so consistently that it affects their daily function or well being, it becomes highly likely that an anxiety disorder is to blame....

Effective NLP Skills, 2 edition

Richard Youell, Christina Youell , "Effective NLP Skills, 2 edition" English | ISBN: 0749467045 | 2013 | 184 pages | PDF | 2 MB Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is one of the most powerful communication tools availab...

As Sisters In Zion The Story Behind the Song

As Sisters In Zion The Story Behind the Song By Debbie J. Christensen 2012 | 80 Pages | ISBN: 1609088956 | EPUB | 2 MB In 1852, two sisters in a small village in England responded to the message of Mormon missionaries and joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints....

Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole

Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole By Ann Coulter 2015 | 400 Pages | ISBN: 1621572676 | EPUB + MOBI | 1 MB + 1 MB Ann Coulter is back, more fearless than ev...

Green: A Field Guide to Marijuana

Green: A Field Guide to Marijuana By Dan Michaels 2015 | 408 Pages | ISBN: 1452134057 | EPUB + MOBI | 7 MB + 20 MB Green: A Field Guide to Marijuana is required reading for a new generation of curious and sophisticated pot smokers. Presented in an eye-popping package and filled with hyperdetailed photography of individual bu...

The Job: True Tales from the Life of a New York City Cop

The Job: True Tales from the Life of a New York City Cop By Steve Osborne 2015 | 272 Pages | ISBN: 0385539622 | EPUB | 1 MB "How ya doi...

O: The Intimate History of the Orgasm

O: The Intimate History of the Orgasm by Jonathan Margolis English | 2004 | ISBN: 0802117864, 0802142168 | 416 pages | EPUB | 2 MB Orgasm is one of society's most compelling, shaping forces -- and most of us probably think that we are living in its golden age. But are ...

The Global Arsenic Problem: Challenges for Safe Water Production

The Global Arsenic Problem: Challenges for Safe Water Production (Arsenic in the environment, Volume 2) by Nalan Kabay, Jochen Bundschuh, Bruce Hendry, Marek Bryjak, Kazuharu Yoshizuka, Prosun Bhattacharya, Suer Anac English | 2010 | ISBN: 0415575214 | 270 pages | PDF | 6,3 MB A prevalent and increasingly important issue, arsenic removal continues to be one of the most important areas of water treatme...

Global Forest Monitoring from Earth Observation

Global Forest Monitoring from Earth Observation (Earth Observation of Global Changes) by Frederic Achard, Matthew C. Hansen English | 2012 | ISBN: 1466552018 | 354 pages | PDF | 14,5 MB Forests provide a large range of beneficial services, including tangible ones such as timber and recreation, and intangible services such as climate regulation, biodiversi...

Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing V

Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing V by Alkiviadis S. Paipetis, Theodore E. Matikas, Dimitrios G. Aggelis, Danny Van Hemelrijck English | 2012 | ISBN: 0415621313 | 526 pages | PDF | 19,3 MB Non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methods have dominated most of the fields of applied research and technology over the last twenty yea...

Echinoderms in a Changing World: Proceedings of the 13th International Echinoderm Conference, January 5-9 2009...

Echinoderms in a Changing World: Proceedings of the 13th International Echinoderm Conference, January 5-9 2009, University of Tasmania, Hobart Tasmania, Australia by Craig Johnson English | 2012 | ISBN: 1138000108 | 330 pages | PDF | 15,7 MB Echinoderms are an ancient and diverse group of marine animals with a rich fossil record. They occur abundantly in all modern oceans and at all depths,...

Ecotoxicology of Amphibians and Reptiles, Second Edition

Ecotoxicology of Amphibians and Reptiles, Second Edition by D. W. Sparling, Greg Linder, Christine A. Bishop, Sherry Krest English | 2010 | ISBN: 1420064169 | 944 pages | PDF | 17 MB Building on the success of its popular predecessor, the second edition of Ecotoxicology of Amphibians and Reptiles presents newly available findings on the species that are important environmental indicators....

Digital Soil Assessments and Beyond: Proceedings of the 5th Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping 2012, Sydney

Digital Soil Assessments and Beyond: Proceedings of the 5th Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping 2012, Sydney, Australia by Budiman Minasny, Brendan P. Malone, Alex B. McBratney English | 2012 | ISBN: 0415621550 | 482 pages | PDF | 9,5 MB Digital soil assessments and beyond contains papers presented at the 5th Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping, held 10-13 April 2012 at the University of Sydney, Australia....

Dam Maintenance and Rehabilitation II

Dam Maintenance and Rehabilitation II by Rafael Romeo García and Mario Andreu Mir English | 2010 | ISBN: 0415616484 | 1162 pages | PDF | 40,9 MB As dams age, they are subject to a series of external agents and processes which tend to deteriorate the qualities with which they were originally conceived to stand against these actions....

Der Genitiv ist dem Streber sein Sex: und andere Erkenntnisse aus meinem Leben 2.0

Der Genitiv ist dem Streber sein Sex: und andere Erkenntnisse aus meinem Leben 2.0 by Markus Barth German | 2011 | ISBN-10: 3499255146 | 208 pages | EPUB | 0,7 MB DEIN HANDY WIRD IMMER KLÜGER. ABER VIELLEICHT NUR IM VERGLEICH MIT DIR? Was für großartige Zeiten! Überall Smartphones, Einrichtungsshows, Wellnesste...

Der Unterschied: Was den Mensch zum Menschen macht

Thomas Suddendorf, "Der Unterschied: Was den Mensch zum Menschen macht" German | ISBN: 3827010934 | 2014 | 464 pages | EPUB | 2 MB Was unterscheidet den Menschen von den übrigen Tieren? Wie kam es zur Entwicklung seiner besonderen Fähigkeiten? Und worin genau bestehen diese überhaupt?...

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Du hast die Haare schön!: Frisch frisierte Weisheiten für sie und ihn

Steen T. Kittl, Christian Saehrendt, "Du hast die Haare schön!: Frisch frisierte Weisheiten für sie und ihn" German | ISBN: 3832197060 | 2014 | 256 pages | EPUB | 2 MB Na toll! Alles dreht sich nur noch um die Schönheit! Gut für Supermodels, Vorzeige-Athleten und Stars mit eigenem Stylisten - aber was ist mit dem Rest, was ist mit...

Die Ära der Ökologie: Eine Weltgeschichte

Joachim Radkau, "Die Ära der Ökologie: Eine Weltgeschichte" German | ISBN: 3406613721, 3838900901 | 2011 | 782 pages | EPUB | 2 MB Die Ökologie ist das Signum unseres Zeitalters. Joachim Radkaus grandioses Buch lässt die neue Ära zum ersten Mal in ihrer ganzen Vielgestaltigkeit und globalen Bedeutung erfahrbar werden....